Saturday, February 28, 2015

Putting One Foot In Front Of The Other

I'm here at the cabin for a quick weekend visit. Timed it just right to be able to enjoy the beauty of the recent snows but not to have any impact on my flights.
The cabin holds it's usual magic...peaceful, surrounded by nature & much to my delight, snow...
...and funky icicles...
 ...sun sparkles twinkling on the snow...
...birds gathering at the feeders, ice cold spring water to drink, the gurgle of the creek slipping along the rocks...the perfect environment for a relaxing weekend.

Much has happened since my last post. I am still enjoying my work with Allegany Franciscan Ministries and life in Crystal Beach. But last July, I tore the labrum (the "cushion" between the ball of your hip and the socket) in my right hip while on the treadmill. The torn part of the labrum flaps around, sometimes clicking in an odd way and sometimes getting caught between the bones, causing immobility and extreme pain. I met with three doctors, each telling me that I not only had a torn labrum but I had some arthritis in that hip, resulting in the diagnosis that success could not be guaranteed with arthroscopic surgery and a hip replacement was preferred. HIP REPLACEMENT??? A resounding no was my response and I requested we try every other means of healing before deciding on a surgical route. I tried physical therapy. Anti-inflammatory medication and natural supplements. Walking with a cane. But my mobility continued to decrease significantly, as did my enthusiasm for anything but the most important daily tasks. I've definitely increased my understanding and empathy for people who deal with chronic pain on a daily sucks the life out of you!

My daughter Jessica and I were talking about what I was going to do about it. I said I didn't want to have surgery until there were no alternatives. "Mom," she said followed by a short but pronounced pause, "look at you, this is eating at your soul!" Whoa. I took a deep breath, and knew my next steps.

I chose to continue my treatment with Dr. W. He has years of experience, Johny liked him and after much discussion and a review of my MRI in conjunction with my symptoms (which had always been specific to the tear, without arthritic pain), we decided arthroscopic surgery was worth a try. With Johny by my side, Dr. W cleaned up what was a severely torn labrum, along with some other "pebbles" in the joint, and I've been healing ever since. Dr. W thinks I'll still need a hip replacement at some point, because the arthritic spot is significant, but my hope is to heal completely and not have to take that road.

Johny was amazing throughout the entire process, staying with me from before Christmas until I went back to work. Every day I discover another capability that I have "regained" like being able to sit and stand, putting on my pants and socks, and even shaving my's the little things in life, one step at a time! Staying positive and holding on to the knowing that I am healthy and well!

In the meantime, Johny and I decided to buy a house in Tarpon Springs, near where I work. We're excited about this cute little furnished Florida cottage on Lake Tarpon that I found, and we'll be closing near the end of April. I knew as soon as I walked into the front door that this was our future west coast FL home. This is the back yard looking onto Lake Tarpon in the distance, and no, the sail boat doesn't come with it. You can be sure you'll hear more about it!

As for the family, all are doing well. Liam of course continues to be a sparkle in our lives. 
Fluffy and Pogo are well, though Pogo did get hit by a car in our small corner of the mountains and lost his left eye as a result. But he's a real trooper and for the most part, I don't think he knows there's an issue.

That's my update! I'll close with a few photos from behind my current apartment...

...a Golden Crowned Night Heron...
 ...Black Crowned Night Heron...
 ...Red-bellied Woodpecker... 
 ...Blue Heron taking off...
 ...a gorgeous Hawk...

And a couple tulip closeups...

Here's hoping that this post finds you well and I'm holding thoughts that your days are filled with love, laughter, good health and fun!  Keep putting one foot in front of the other :)

Thanks for reading my blog, see you next time,


  1. Lisa, it is so nice to see a post from you. I understand chronic pain, I have osteoarthritis and boy, do I understand it. Your photos are lovely, and I just wanted to respond to send you a hug.

  2. I do so miss your blog...thank you for this one! Love and hugs, Dad

  3. I thought I left a message but I guess it didn't work. Seems like you have had a rough time the last few months. I wondered why you had not posted anything in a while. Glad you are still enjoying your job.Hopefully you can avoid a hip replacement for a long time.


    Charlotte Moore

  4. Thanks Linda, healing thoughts to you!

    Love and hugs back to you dad!

    Thank you Charlotte. All is well now and I'm happy to say I'm healing well:)

  5. Well sounds like you are on the mend! Plus a new house to boot! i can't wait to hear about it.

    Take care of your self!

    (Coming to Fl April 17-24 for new baby boy that is due April 17. HE better come on time)

  6. Glad the hip is doing better! And the bird pictures are wonderful!


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