Sunday, June 8, 2014

Feels A Little Like Being Newlyweds

Johny arrived safely Friday evening. Pogo and Fluffy were elated to finally be released from the confines of the truck but a little apprehensive with the unfamiliar surroundings, so we spent some time helping them become accustomed to my new place. Needless to say, Johny and I were very happy to be in each others arms again. We decided to get a pizza delivered (a luxury our mountain cabin life doesn't offer) which would accompany just picked lettuce from the garden.
It was absolutely delightful...tender crunchy leaves of lettuce perfection. Better than anything you can buy in the store, including organic. I guess he'll just have to visit more often!

We spent Saturday familiarizing Johny with my new neighborhood. I showed him: the new temporary place in Crystal Beach that I'll move into at the end of this month, Crystal Beach, we walked along the Pinellas Trail (it was too hot for Pogo, he's not used to this FL heat, so we'll be walking very early morning or late evening from now on), we went to my office, we drove around and we met friends for dinner. Today we went to the Tarpon Springs Sponge Docks and moseyed around enjoying the small Greek community. We also drove to Tampa to go to Trader Joe's, a cool grocery store that's fun to visit but getting into and out of their parking lot is a nightmare!

We've now returned home and are relaxing. Pogo's been walked (poor guy, the ground is so hot he trots to get back quickly, but doesn't like walking in the grass)...
...and Fluffy's enjoying her new cat nip toy.

I have to admit, absence does seem to make the heart grow fonder! Johny and I have been enjoying every moment together, finding joy in every moment, giggling and laughing and kissing and holding hands. We may not look like newlyweds, it feels like it. Makes this new journey I'm on all the better. And yes, I'm enjoying work and my role tremendously. 

With all that said, time to go. My husband is patiently waiting...

Thanks for reading my blog, see you next week,


  1. Awe, this brought tears. I'm so glad all is going good and he got to visit. Absence does make the heart grow fonder. Hugs, xo

  2. So lovely. I remember when my husband traveled three days a week and how wonderful it was when he got home. I think a little distance makes for more communication between couples. We tend to take each other for granted when we are together 24/7. I visited Tarpon Springs when I was down in St. Pete area. Great restaurant there sitting and looking out over the water. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Great update...of course. Your wedding anniversary is just around the corner...a great way to celebrate. Looking forward to brunch on Sunday. Hugs!


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