Sunday, June 1, 2014

A Few Visitors and A Garden Update

It's been an awesome week. I'm settling in to my life here and enjoying it very much. I continue to feel incredibly grateful and fortunate. Here's a taste of the week...

I was pleasantly surprised when I walked into my office this week by this pair of Red-shouldered Hawks sitting on the light post. I was even more pleased when Eileen (my boss) told me they hang around the retention pond behind our building, but this was the first time she saw them together.

Johny's been sharing pictures of the's doing quite well. Two things haven't grown, the mache (bummer, we both would really enjoy having fresh mache) and some of the squash seeds. But everything else is growing beautifully...


...and tomatoes he has growing in pots on the deck (for two years they haven't grown well in the garden, so we decided to try something different this year).
It's too bad things won't be ready for harvesting when he comes for a visit next week, but the next visit will definitely include a care package!

Besides the hawks visiting me outside my office window, Johny's had a couple visitors too. This black snake has decided to call our cabin home...
...which is a good thing because black snakes keep the rodent population under control!

There's also been a hummingbird nectar crook. Johny was refilling a low hanging feeder every day. He knew something wasn't right because it would be full at night and empty in the morning (the hummingbirds don't feed at night), so he set up the critter cam and caught the rascal...

...this raccoon would come, reach up to the feeder and tilt it to drink the nectar. Johny solved the problem by raising the feeder, I hope the raccoon doesn't find something else to feast upon!

I'm excited to share that Johny, Pogo and Fluffy are coming to visit beginning next Friday. I'm looking forward to sharing this new area with him, and exploring together. You'll hear all about our adventures. Until then...

Thanks for reading my blog, see you next week,


  1. Great blog post! I hope the week goes quickly for you with Johny coming soon!

  2. I have had trouble commenting on your blog from this computer. I will see if this goes through and then I'll make a real comment.
    I am happy to see you back on your blog.

  3. Well, I see that my computer let me comment this time.
    I love the pictures of the hawks. Great photo and of the garden. Makes me want to plant something.
    Sounds like you are embarking on a new direction in your life and it is going well. I'm so glad.

  4. So glad to hear all is going well and you've settled in. The garden looks so good... You take care and I'll catch up with you soon as possible. I'm not on much anymore. Lots of hugs, xo

  5. Love the wildlife photos...Hugs!


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