Monday, May 5, 2014

Turning The Page

Wow, my last day here at the cabin before turning the page and beginning a new chapter. I've packed all my belongings, filled the car, shed a few tears of sadness and clapped and given a woo hoo for the journey I'm about to begin. I'm attempting to soak in my surroundings to put the very essence of my mountains, woods and log cabin into my cells. I'm spending every possible minute together with my love Johny, (& Pogo and Fluffy) appreciating our last day together for a while. And I'm sharing some of what I've seen today with you, my loyal friends, family, and followers.

Last nights sunset...
Strike bean progress (see the new sprout pushing up on the right?)...
One of the many white trillium dotting the floor of our woods...
A Rare Pinkshell Azalea bloom that, unfortunately, won't open before I leave. It's my favorite bloom around our cabin, as there are no leaves to distract from the blooms (they come after the blooms). Click on this link to see them in their finest.
My favorite rhododendron, just beginning to unfold...
My Onearm. Looks like she's just had another litter...
Wild strawberry blooms...
A Pipevine Swallowtail...

I'll miss this place, no doubt about that. But I'm excited about this new journey and everything it holds for me and us. I'll be in Florida tomorrow, probably sweating. But that's okay, I'll get used to it.

Thanks for reading my blog, see you tomorrow,


  1. Thanks for sharing your state of mind as you take leave from the NC mountains. Hugs!

  2. Can you leave the camera with Johny, so he can keep us up to date on your beautiful blooms, birds and steams?

    Best wishes in your next phase. Please keep me posted.

  3. Thanks Dad, it's going to be a fantastic journey! Hugs back:)

    LOL Patti, no worries, Johny has his own camera and promises to send photos so I can keep everyone updated.


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