Monday, May 12, 2014

Tomorrow's The Big Day

I begin my new position tomorrow. I hope I can sleep.

Today's been filled with identifying an awesome beachy sort of place that will be my permanent temporary home, soaking in the last hours of my "sabbatical" and spending time with most of my family to celebrate my niece's birthday.

I've also been thinking about you, and how I will miss writing my blog every day. Of course I'll post about this new chapter in my life, and updates about the cabin, I'm just not sure how often. I suppose we'll be discovering that together.

The flower is an orchid my dad has in his yard; it is the only orange stem of blooms, all the rest are fuchsia. It captured my attention, somehow representing this new journey I am on...the why of that I can't say.   

Thanks for reading my blog, see you soon,


  1. Lovely, Lise, and I hope you sleep well tonight, and that all goes well for you! :)

  2. I have enjoyed reading your adventure and look forward to reading more

  3. Best of luck on your first new day.

  4. So does your family live close by since you are in FL?

    I am new to your blog.

    Charlotte Moore

  5. Another chapter begins...Best wishes for continued good life. Hugs!

  6. Hi Lise! Laptop just back from the computer checking around files, I found I'd saved your blog site and read it with surprise. Happy for you that this is the right job, for now, even tho it means relocating. I hope, once you are settled, you can continue with your writing...last thing on your mind right now, I'm sure! Your blog posts are beautifully written and can be turned into a great memoir one day. Don't rule out nonfiction! All the best with all the new.

  7. Awe, I wish you the best. I have missed out on so much lately and I'm so sorry. I'll be looking forward to your posts. Hugs, xo

  8. Hope you had a good first week. Enjoy the weekend.

  9. Now that we are at our cabin most of the time, and no Internet, I have reduced my blogging and blog reading time to one or two days a week. It is a big change I know. - Margy


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