Monday, May 26, 2014

A Great Memorial Day Weekend with Jessi and Liam

I know I said I'd post at least every Sunday, but I don't have internet at the river house any more, and since this is a holiday weekend, I figure today counts:)  It was a beautifully relaxing weekend with Jessi and Liam...the first time we've been alone together for quite some time. There's something special about 1:1 time (or 1:2 time in this case).

We fished together...
...and caught fish...
 ...and de-hooked fish...
 ...and released...
Sleeping handsome...
 Liam fished...
 ...and pondered...

And then there was the awesome desert we decided to splurge on...
 ...and the full, satisfied belly that followed.

It was a fabulously relaxing weekend, and nice to meet at our river place (a happy midpoint from where I'm at now and Jessi's place).

I'm back at the Villa, and there's a thunderstorm rumbling nearby. A great ending to a great weekend. I hope your weekend was filled with family fun. In honor of Memorial Day, my heartfelt thanks go out to all those who sacrificed their lives to keep us living free.

Thanks for reading my blog, see you next week,


  1. Glad you had a great holiday weekend. We just had two. Last weekend was Victoria Day in Canada and this weekend is Memorial Day in the States. But when you're retired, most weekends are like a holiday weekend. But I had to work a lot of years to get here. - Margy

  2. So glad you had a nice Memorial Day and what better way to spend it than with family.Hugs, xo

  3. Love the photos of Jessica and Liam. Hugs!


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