Monday, April 21, 2014

Walking The Deep Creek Trail

We spent this morning walking along the two mile Deep Creek Trail, a meandering path that serenades you with the sound of flowing water. Here's some of what we came across...

Tom Branch Falls

We came across a small cairns (a stack of stones, you can see it in the lower right corner of the photo, on top of the big rock); I wonder who made it and why. I almost added a stone and decided against it because I didn't want to disturb it.

Daisy Fleabane dotted the path along the way. We also saw Trillium and May-apple (those photos didn't turn out very well).

I wonder who might live in this small cave...
Indian Creek Falls was lovely...
...and quite powerful.

These curls of these unfurling ferns caught my eye...

Crested Dwarf Iris grew in one spot... favorite of the walk today.

We found a single morel where a bunch of old apple trees were. We left it there, but are excited to know they are popping up...these are some of the best mushrooms you can eat!

Prostrate Bluets blanketed many areas. 

This log bridge bounced as we walked over it!

The Sweet White Violets were beautiful. Unfortunately, the freeze a few days ago zapped the purple Violets. 

This is Juney Whank Falls. There's a bridge that crosses over it (you can see the railing in the bottom left of the photo)...
 ...when you turn to look over the other side of the bridge, the fall seems to go forever.

I loved the water splashing on this moss covered rock.

I came across these Dandelion puffs as we were leaving; the place was covered with them and we were tempted to collect some leaves for salad, but we decided against it since we were in a national park.
I hope you enjoyed a little taste of Deep Creek Trail as much as I enjoyed being there!

Thanks for reading my blog, see you tomorrow,


  1. Oh wow, That is a beautiful trail. I bet ya'll enjoyed that tremendously. Thanks for taking us along. Hugs, xo

  2. So pretty, Lise. I can almost hear the water!!!

  3. Oh that mushroom would have been my appetizer for dinner! I love those.

  4. What a lovely walk. Very nice photographs.

  5. What a beautiful walk! I keep hoping to spot some morels -- no luck so far this year.

  6. It's a beautiful place! Morels are awesome, as some of you know. 'Tis the season, so to speak.


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