Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Delightful Dandelion

Most people consider the dandelion a weed. For us, it's a delicious, nutritious wild edible! As soon as the weather warms up, we start looking for the bright dots sprouting in fields, along the roads and in everyone's yards and harvesting them.

We've made dandelion wine and dandelion bloom fritters,
but our favorite way to utilize them is as fresh spring green salad. You pick them like you would any lettuce, wash and dry the leaves, sprinkle a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar over it, and you've got yourself a salad high in vitamins A & C, potassium and antioxidants. The taste is slightly bitter and the texture is similar to spinach. The unopened buds add a little sweetness and crunch...delish!

I also love the blooms. From a distance they look simple, but up close the detail is a work of art...

Have you ever eaten dandelion? If you haven't, I suggest you try some. You can either pick it fresh (make sure you it hasn't been sprayed with pesticide) or buy it in your local farmers market or health food store. I think you'll be happy you did!

Thanks for reading my blog, see you tomorrow,


  1. Funny thing, I got a call from the DIL to make a quick trip to pick Lizzie up from pre-school today.

    When I got there she gathered all her things from her cubby. I was the recipient of a handful of the pretty yellow flowes. Unfortunately most didn't have stems.

  2. Wow, wow and wow, Lise!!! Stunning photos. I have never eaten dandelion but I might just try it.

  3. Thanks for the reminder. I will look for some at the farmers market. Hugs!

  4. I've never eaten them but you have inspired me to try.

  5. That's cute Patti, You could put them in a bowl with water and let them float around:) Lizzie sure is a sweetheart!

    Thanks Linda! I do recommend trying the dandelion, at least once in your life. Let me know what you think...

    I know you'll enjoy them Dad, it'll remind you of being up here! Hugs back.

    You'll have to let me know if you like them NCmountainwoman. They are a treat:)

  6. Oh yeah...people have never understood how pretty and good to eat they are! I did buy some dandelion greens last year and cooked them. I love almost any cooked greens! Do you ever eat poke sallet this time of year. It cracks me up that books list it as a poisonous plant and people in my family have eaten early spring poke sallet greens for generations!

  7. We have eaten poke sallet Marie! It is quite delicious. I do know it has to be cooked well, not eaten raw, or that's when it's poisonous. I love eating wild edibles, there are so many goodies people have no idea about out there!


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