Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Dainty Trout Lily & A Double Daffodil

Can you tell I've missed taking pictures of flowers?  This early spring bloomer is only six inches tall (give or take) and is easily recognizable by its speckled leaves and distinctive bloom.

It can be found ins sunny spots along creeks. 

It reminds me of a tiny Turks Cap Lily. 

I also came across a Double Daffodil today. I'd never seen one before!

I love the yellow blooms of spring. They're like nature smiling:)  

Thanks for reading my blog, see you tomorrow,


  1. Hi Lise, I have missed seeing flowers, and your photos are just gorgeous!!!

  2. Those are some awesome spring shots! I know your glad to be seeing lovely colors!

  3. Thanks for sending me a bouquet of roses...scratch that...a bouquet of beautiful yellow spring flowers. Hugs!

  4. The lily is wonderful! And I've never seen a double daffodil either! What beautiful bright spots of color! And your macros are great!

  5. I love the trout lilies -- I've never seen them on our place. We do have lots of double daffs though.

  6. So many new things blooming every day around here, I just hope tonight's predicted freeze doesn't zap everything!


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