Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Spring Is Making Its Mark

We love walking around and spotting new signs of spring and it seems that yesterday's rain followed by today's warm sun has everything popping. Johny and I have been watching closely because we were concerned that the recent freeze might have killed much of the new growth, but the blossoming buds prove otherwise (other than a few spots frost bite here and there). I do believe (and hope) spring is here to stay. 

We're thrilled that two of our apple trees, the Arkansas Black & Candy Crisp, have lots of blooms (the Honey Crisp doesn't have buds yet).  We're thrilled because this will be the first year they produce fruit. 

The Dogwood are slowly unfolding their petals.  

The maple tree leaves have a beautiful red top when they first appear.

We have lots of dainty gooseberry blooms this year (last year they were new planted and produced very little).

Lots and lots of blueberries!

Of course, springtime means planting. We're preparing the rows of mounds for seeds; the first things we will plant are carrots, spinach, and lettuce, all able to handle the cold. We've already planted our potatoes, and we have some beans sowed in the square foot planter we moved a few days ago (I hope we didn't plant them too soon, time will tell)

Are you seeing signs of spring?

Thanks for reading my blog, see you tomorrow,


  1. Lovely closeups! I'm planting lettuce etc. tomorrow!

  2. Gorgeous!!! Looks like you will have some good fortune in spite of the freezes. Good luck with that garden too. Anyway, beautiful photos!

  3. We can see the maples across the bay on Goat Island are starting to green up. The volunteer alder on a float log out front has tiny leaflets. Maybe by the time we get home from this week in Bellingham they will be large enough to see from the front deck. - Margy

  4. Thanks for stopping by everyone. It's so nice when spring takes hold!


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