Friday, April 25, 2014

On The Way To Highlands

There's a nine mile stretch of Highway 64 that climbs from Franklin, NC to Highlands, NC, winding around the mountains like a creeping snake. If you love waterfalls, I highly recommend it. But for those of you who are squeamish about driving along a narrow two lane highway with rocks lining one side and a drop into a gorge on the other (yes, almost the entire way), I've got some pictures for you from our travels yesterday.

The first fall when heading south toward Highlands is Cullasaja River Falls. There is a slight pull off spot on the side of the road for gazing and picture taking, a little scary when cars are speeding past faster than they should. It's a large fall that flows into the Cullasaja river in the gorge. 

Dry Falls offers a parking area and steps that lead you all the way behind and around the falls.
Dry falls are huge and roar with their power. See the little red dot to the bottom left? That's Johny.

This is what it sounds and looks like up close (if you receive this post via email, click on the title to get to my web page or click here to watch)...

One more, different angle...

The last waterfall on our journey is Bridal Veil Falls. Its smaller than the other two...
...but great fun because you can drive beneath the rock ledge and get behind the falls.

Our final destination was On The Veranda, a relaxed yet elegant dining experience overlooking Lake Sequoyah . We don't go there often; it was nice to be back and we enjoyed our dinner and the atmosphere very much. This was the view from our table.

We actually began our trip with a brief detour off Hwy 64 to peaks Creek. I've been emotionally drawn to this place since I learned of the 2004 disaster there and visited there in 2005. Fifteen homes were destroyed and five people lost their lives when a huge debris flow raced down the mountain into the holler. The photo is the initiating point on Fish Hawk Mountain for the disaster, where the earth let go, sliding down along Peeks Creek, collecting everything in it's path and building speed all the way down. You can read more here. The thought of it still sends chills down my spine, and causes me to grieve for the people in Oso, CA, who are still recovering from the recent mudslide there. 

At a distance (you can see it just to the left of the trees in the center).
For those who know I'm working on a novel, this event is my inspiration for this work of fiction. Click here for a first draft of one scene, there's already been significant edits, but it gives you the idea. I know I haven't shared any other scenes with you yet. I will, these things take time to get to the point of ready to share:)

Thanks for reading my blog, see you tomorrow,


  1. Lovely and captivating photos, and the videos of the water sounds are magical!

  2. Such beautiful falls! And it's nice to see the place that is inspiring your writing.

  3. I love waterfalls, but I would have to pass if I was the driver. My fear of heights would get in the way for me and anyone behind me on the road. We had a terrible slide in Washington that caused terrible damage and loss of life. Once in a while there are landslides on Goat Island across from us, but so far they've been small and no one lives over there. When the trees let go it makes a loud cracking sound at first and then the huge rumble as the initial trees take out more and more in their path. - Margy

  4. We live on the opposite side of Highlands but we often drive on past for the waterfalls. Love On The Veranda. Interesting to hear the setting for your book.

  5. Thanks Linda, it was something to stand there!

    Thanks Vicki. It's a very special place to me.

    I heard about that Oso slide Margy. How awful for those families. Nature can be cruel.

    It's a beautiful drive NCmountainwoman, especially when you end up at On The Veranda!

  6. favorite water! Hugs!

  7. I'll miss all the falls and creeks, but now I'll be near the ocean. Hugs back Dad!


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