Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Morning River Walk

One of my favorite routines when I come to our river place is watching the sun rise followed by a long walk down the river road. The majority of the traffic is people walking, running and biking, which makes for a peaceful trip. It was cold here, 57 degrees (ahem, I know that's warm for many of you), but I enjoy the brisk air.

A silhouetted heron.
The fish were frisky this morning; it was interesting to watch the birds circle high above and then swoop to dive for their breakfast.

It took a while for the sun to rise above the clouds that hid the horizon.
 Once it broke through, things warmed up nicely. A beautiful first day of April.

Now the sky is blue and its a comfy 75. No fooling!

Thanks for reading my blog, see you tomorrow,


  1. Gorgeous photos! I love the crisp mornings (45-65) because our days are usually around 80 now. And that isn't bad either! :-) But the crisp mornings are so fresh and make you feel like the day is coming to life!

  2. What a rich life you lead. Hugs!

  3. True statement Dad! Hugs back:)


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