Monday, April 28, 2014

Lise's Violet Jelly

It's a spring tradition at our cabin--making violet jelly from those dainty little violet blooms that blanket fields with purple. Easy to make, the biggest challenge is picking lots of the tiny purple flowers! I really enjoyed making what may be my last batch of violet jelly for a while, click here to read more about my new adventure.

Lise's Violet Jelly

Make the violet tea at least 24 hours before you make the jelly. Boil 2 cups of water for every 2 cups of cleaned violet flowers. Pour the boiling water over the freshly harvested violets (make the tea the same day you pick them). Cover the bowl with a plate and let it steep for 24 hours.

Strain the mixture. Your liquid will be a deep violet color.


2 cups violet tea
4 tbsp Myers lemon juice with zest and pulp
3.5 tbsp Ball pectin or 3 tbsp + 1 tsp + 1/2 tsp (this amount of pectin will result in a softer consistency that will still spread with a knife but the jelly could not stand on it's own, if you like a firmer jelly, increase the pectin)
4 cups sugar


Sterilized your jars, lids and rings. Keep the jars warm in a low temp oven, the lids and rings in a pot of hot water.   

Pour the violet tea, pectin, and lemon juice into a large pot and bring it to a boil. The lemon turns the purple violet tea a pretty fuchsia.

Once the mixture is boiling, add the sugar and stir to melt completely.

Bring the mixture to a rolling boil, then let it boil for 1 minute.

Ladle the hot jelly into the jars.

Wipe the top of the jar, place the lid and hand tighten the ring. Place the jars upside down on a cooling rack for 5 minutes, then turn them right side up.  You will begin to hear a delightful little popping sound as the jars seal. You don't need to use a hot water bath. This is how the old timers have made violet jelly, and it's always worked.

I doubled the recipe and ended up with ten 8 oz. jars.

Can't wait to spread this on some toast...I do believe this is my favorite of all the jams I've made!

Visit The Prairie Homestead, Flour Me With Love, and A Bright and Beautiful Life for more interesting recipes.

Thanks for reading my blog, see you tomorrow,


  1. Oh my, Lise, this looks and sounds wonderful! I think I will have to try this!

  2. You are so good about finding edibles in your forest. I've never had violet jelly, sounds interesting. - Margy

  3. I had some with my morning toast, thanks to you, Lise! Spring in a Mason jar!

  4. I'd love to make this...use to make geranium jelly!

  5. Linda, it's worth the effort!

    Margy, it's just like Vicki says, spring in a mason jar!

    I'm glad you enjoyed it Vicki:)

    Ooh Marie, geranium jelly sounds awesome!

  6. Dad, I love Vicki's description - spring in a jar - so true. I'm bringing some with me, I'll share:) Hugs back


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