Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Color With Our Coffee

Following a gully washer of a night, we enjoyed our coffee while on the porch swing, grateful that the only damage we experienced was road erosion (it was significant, but it can be fixed).  We were entertained by several goldfinch and a stunning rose-breasted grosbeak feeding upon the sunflower seeds I set out for them. They hung around for quite some time, giving us splashes of color as we enjoyed our coffee. Once they flew away, I could hear them singing in the woods, it was a lovely serenade. Click here to listen to the sweet melody of the grosbeak, you'll be glad you did.

We expect to have more dangerous storms roll through this evening and tomorrow. Times like these remind me of how precious life is. I'm holding healing thoughts for all those who've been effected by these storms and am hopeful they experience a swift recovery. And looking forward to blue skies.

Thanks for reading my blog, see you tomorrow,


  1. Our weather has gentled. Spring is here alternating between sunny warm days and sprinkles. Perfect for planting, and I'm finally getting to it. - Margy

  2. Beautiful birds! So glad the rain wasn't worse.

  3. Prayers and good thought for those going through the storms! Love the grosbeek. Listened to the sweet song. There is nothing more beautiful than birdsong! Like small hints of what angel song will sound like!

  4. It's a great feeling to get your hands into the soil, enjoy your planting Margy!

    I agree Vicki, it could have been much worse.

    That's a lovely analogy Marie!

  5. Love the bird song...sorry about the driveway...Hugs!

  6. I love the bird songs too Dad. It wasn't the driveway, it was the road that washed out. Needs some serious grading. Hugs back!


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