Friday, April 4, 2014

A Natural Treat

I've found myself driving to the natural sanctuary where the swans are nesting repeatedly. I made two trips today (so far), and this is some of what I saw.

A Heron...

A Spoonbill...

A ?

And the nesting swan...

I watched Papa glide into the homestead this morning.
They worked together tirelessly, bringing new grasses and leaves to the nest

Mama finally got back on the nest...
...cleaned herself...
...and settled in.

All this active nesting behavior makes me wonder if the cygnets are hatching soon. I hope you are enjoying watching these swans as much as I am!\

Thanks for reading my blog, see you tomorrow,


  1. Lise, thank you so much for continuing this series. It is beautiful and fascinating.

  2. Thanks ladies, I'm enjoying watching them!

  3. Loved the two first photos of the heron...and the story about the swans. Hugs!


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