Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring Wonderland

It’s not the first time we’ve woken to snow, but the wind usually leaves the branches bare. This morning was like waking in an enchanted forest, with everything covered in white. The air was crisp and chilled my lungs with every breath, but I kept moving from one side of the cabin to the other, soaking it all in.  

Branches glittered as the sun peaked over the mountains.

The distant mountains were covered...

...but the snow covered trees in the forefront stole the show.

Logic says we probably won’t get snow again this year, but that was the belief before today too, so who knows. It’s snowing again, creating a new blanket where this morning’s flakes had melted. Old Man Winter's not done with us yet, and I'm enjoying it.

Thanks for reading my blog, see you tomorrow,


  1. So pretty Lise! I haven't gotten to see any snow this year so I'm enjoying yours!

  2. We had flurries yesterday and again this morning. No accumulations :(

    Yours looks beautiful!

  3. We got a little over an inch. And it was all gone by noon. Now that's my kind of snow.

  4. Thanks Mamabug, I'm glad you're enjoying it. We are too, but have to admit spring is welcomed to join us any time now.

    I do say Patti, if it's going to snow, let it snow. None of this flurries business!

    Thank you Linda.

    It's gone now NCmountainwoman.


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