Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Mixed Feelings About Possible Snow

You know me, I'm always looking forward to those white flakes falling from the skies. According to meteorologists and my Admiral Fitzroy's storm glass, we just might be seeing some this evening.
The skies definitely support some kind of precipitation, and part of me is excited that we might get another dusting before spring arrives. But that's where my mixed feelings come in...
Spring has already begun to show itself around here--everything is budding. Snow and freezing temperatures could damage those new sprouts. This wouldn't be the first time its happened, and if it does happen, it won't be the last.
But I sure would like to see this daffodil bloom! Only time will tell.

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Very unsettled here but still quite warmer than normal. The high winds tell us the temps will soon start to drop. Hope you get your snow but we'll pass, thanks.

  2. Snow it did NCmountainwoman, I'm glad I covered my daffodils. Hopefully, it saved them but we've only reached 26 degrees so far.

  3. I was thinking about you yesterday. We just got a few flakes and some sleet. Let's hope it's the last one. Hugs, xo

  4. It did snow Susie, about 1/2 inch. I wrote about it today. I think I saved my daffodil bud by covering it up, I hope so anyway. Only time will tell! Hugs to you


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