Friday, March 14, 2014

Bright Yellow Bells

If you receive my posts via email, sorry about the previous incomplete publicized post--
this is the final version.

Yellow Bells (Forsythia) are some of the first blooms to welcome spring around here, and when in full bloom, they're stunning. I was excited to find out from Vicki Lane's blog, that you can root the cuttings (read her post here). We have some along our road but none right around the cabin, so off I went with clippers in hand, returning with a large bunch of budding sticks. That was five days ago. Today, my buds are beginning to bloom...

The closed buds are interesting, and as they begin to sprout the petals are delicate looking...

Welcome spring, even if these are only blooming inside the cabin!

I sure hope the stems root so I can have a Yellow Bell bush to admire from my kitchen window! Do you have Yellow Bells in your yard?

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. I have those flowers and have never heard them called yellow bells.

    Mine aren't even budding yet, but then Sunday the forecast is 39/19 100% chance of 2-4 inches of snow!?!?

    We are in southern Missouri (6 miles from Arkansas) for a blacksmith meeting. They still have big piles of snow on parking lots.

    Happy spring to ya!

  2. Ha ha, enjoy the snow! It won't be long and it will be history:) Do you have a nick name for Forsythia?

  3. I just love forsythia in the spring! There is a picture of me in a blue toile dress standing next to a huge fosythia bush when my husband and were having our first Easter together. I was 16. I wish we had them here, but we do get other lovely yellow flowering bushes and trees. They aren't quite ready to bloom yet so I will do doing some posts later. Hope you have great luck with your rooting!

  4. They throw roots best in water if they're in a glass bottle or jar and in the sunlight. You can also root them (when it warms up) in a pot of dirt which you keep damp.

  5. Thank you Marie! You spent your first Easter with your husband when you were 16!? That is wonderful and impressive:)

    Thanks Vicki! I've got them in glass on the dining room table. As soon as I've had my fill of the yellow blooms I'll put them on the deck table--full sunshine there.


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