Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Bright Spots In The Fog

We had heavy fog this morning. Everything looks so mysterious...
...especially knowing that there's lots to be seen behind the heavy mist.
When I walked around to the front of the cabin, I was enthralled with this handsome cardinal at the feeder. A bright spot in an otherwise dark morning.
And then I spotted her hiding in the snowball bush. I haven't been putting birdseed into the front feeders during the winter because I don't see them unless I look out the windows or am outside...I guess it's time to change that...spring is in the air after all!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Misty here this morning but at last the sun is making an appearance!

  2. Yet another foggy day here. But we do have some bright cardinals like you do.

  3. Vicki, I was happy to finally embrace sun's rays this afternoon. It was still cool out but the sun was warm on my skin.

    NCmountainwoman, I do believe we'll be seeing more of those lovely cardinals soon!

  4. I may be wrong, but I think our foggy season has ended. After the last two rain storms we didn't get any fog either on the ocean or the lake. That makes airline travel much more predictable. - Margy

  5. That's too bad Margy, fog adds a nice mystical feel to things. I thought our snow season had ended, until today...


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