Monday, February 10, 2014

Weekend Family Fun

You may have noticed I didn't post anything this weekend...seems to be the norm lately when I'm with my grandson Liam...the older he gets the more I want to spend every possible moment with him.  Here are a few of our good times...

...the artist at work...

...bubble play with Trevor...
 ...Liam thought it would be fun to pop the bubbles with his tongue (you can actually see the bottom of the bubble in the bottom of the photo, the top had already popped).

Liam discovered some lizard eggs inside a bird house...
...he wanted to keep one, which of course resulted in a teaching moment about the importance of allowing nature to work it's magic...
 ...and he carefully put the egg back into the nest.

Liam collected nut treasures while on a walk...

...and got a ride on Trevor's shoulders (we had left Jessi resting at the house).

We found a possum laying in the yard, not sure what happened to it but it had been dead for some time...Liam wanted to make a necklace out of the teeth, but eventually he was able to come to the conclusion that burying it (without pulling it's teeth, I'll spare you the photo of the long deceased and decaying possum) would be a good idea...
 ...and we gave possum a peaceful resting place. 

Of course we spent time on the dock fishing...Liam found a dead minnow in our pond and wanted to use it as bait. 

We picked mandarins from our tree.

And we did so much more, enjoying every second together.  As usual, I was sad to see them go, but there's always next time!

I hope you enjoyed a great weekend as well!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Mandarins??? I'd be canning those things for sure!

  2. This was a good weekend to have family fun. Here in British Columbia Monday was Family Day, making it a long weekend. It's a new holiday in many provinces set aside for lots of family fun. - Margy

  3. Thanks for sharing...these moments make great memories. Hugs!

  4. Patti, how to you can mandarins??? I will be emailing you, I have a load I need to preserve!

    Funny that you have a family day in BC. Glad to have participated even if I didn't realize it, such a great idea!

    Love you dad, hugs back!


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