Thursday, February 20, 2014

Never Enough Wood

We had these wood racks filled last summer, knowing we'd rather have too much than not enough wood for the stove.  But it's been an unusually cold winter this year and the wood stove has been glowing day and night for months now. This is what we have left.

The good news is the stove gets a rest today, at least during the day, with the temperature rising to just over 60F. I've got the windows open a tad (woo hoo for some fresh air) and we are off to collect some leftover locust (good burning wood) at our friend Else's house. Her handyman/our friend Ronnie had cut it for railing, but what remained was too flimsy to use and we get to this point we'll take whatever we can get, with all the snow it's been hard to go out and chop the logs that have been drying since last year. We sawed...   
 ...secured (that's Ronnie helping, I guess it's a two man job)...
 ...sawed some more...
...and stacked.
It will take a week or so before it's dry enough to use, but it's a start at restoring the wood pile. Guess what we'll be doing every day that's dry and relatively warm...I won't complain though, it's good physical work and gets us outside (yes, I do help, between picture taking!).

We came across this woolly bear while we were out...the folklore doesn't seem to be holding true this year, because according to this woolly bear, we should be having a mild winter. HA!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Let's hope the stove will get a rest for good but probably false hopes. I'm worried about the bad storms coming in tomorrow. You take care.

  2. We recently moved to a house that has a fireplace and Hubby is loving the chance to burn wood!

  3. Susie, I hope you didn't get hit too hard. We just got a lot of rain!

    Betty, they are so cozy, aren't they?


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