Monday, January 13, 2014

They've Got Their Eyes On Me

I had to go in to town for an appointment at my dentist this morning for my semi-annual teeth cleaning appointment...I let out a loud woo hoo when Dr. McGuire told me all was well and he chuckled at my enthusiasm for not having to see him for any crowns or other work; it's the little things in life that bring me great joy and/or relief, I've had to have a couple crowns inserted and dentistry work makes my anxiety climb through the roof; I did tell him that not having to see him again for any special work made me like him all the more!...I was tickled when this handsome Cardinal was watching me giggle with joy all the way to my car...I felt like he had been watching over me!

On my way home after a few errands, I spotted these lovely goats grazing and decided to stop...their winter coat was thick and they seemed interested in me...
...enough to come over and take a close up look.  I sat there for a while, snapping pictures and talking with the herd, enjoying the fact that I seemed to be their center of attention.  Not that I need to be the center of attention, I had enough of that in the dental chair, but their interest was as captivating to me as I apparently was to them. 

The mountains do offer enchanting rural exchanges with everyday (around here) creatures...I do wonder what they think of us humans!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


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