Saturday, January 4, 2014

Snowy Creek Magical Ice Formations

As you know by now, I love when it thing I love about it is how the creek gets clearly defined when surrounded by snow and creates amazing ice formations.  Here's a little of what I've found today...

...the view from the deck...
...on the way down...
 ...the rushing water fills the woods and my ears as I approach...
 ...some of nature's icy magic (you can click on any of these photos to enlarge them and see the details)...

...hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Love your ice pics! I took some today too. Lots of good photo ops -- if the photographer can handle the cold...

  2. Great favorite is #10...Hugs!

  3. Beautiful photos. I dread the next round. You take care and stay warm. Hugs

  4. So true Vicki! Today was a nice warm up...I guess Mother Nature is prepping us for this blast coming in!

    Thanks dad, I like that one too. Hugs back!

    Thanks Susi. I agree, the next round might be a real chiller...stay warm yourself. Hugs.


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