Saturday, January 25, 2014

Obsessed With The Snow

I can't explain what it is about the cold and snow of winter, but I love it.  I adore it.  I'm finding myself obsessed with it...when the weather's like this it's hard to spend extended periods outside so one must find indoor things to occupy themselves, so what if I fill my time with everything snow and cold...the bad part about it for you is that's what I write about...I hope you bear with me through these winter months!

Last nights sunset was crisp, clean and clear...
...while today's view teased me with speckles of snow flurries every now and then (look closely, you can see a few dots of snow in front of the trees)...
...with distinctly unique flakes settling on the ramp...
...and wrapping with what looks like a dusting of snow on the mountains that are just a stones throw away.  Better to be able to see fresh snow in the distance than not at all...and we do still have snow on the ground, it's been too cold for it to melt.

So I've spent my afternoon creating in the kitchen, experimenting with cooking en papillote (in parchment paper)...more about that tomorrow, let's just hope it was a success.  You'll hear about it regardless!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Pompano papillote was my favorite dish in Tampa's Latin Quarter when I was growing up. I have recreated it using catfish filets -- not as elegant but still prety tasty. I look forward to seeing what you did.

  2. Glad you are having some snow and equally glad we are not. In fact, we first bought land in Haywood County. When we discovered that at elevations above 4,000 ft there would be more snow, we sold it and built at 3,000 feet. I had enough snow twenty years in WI to last me a lifetime.

  3. That sounds delicious Vicki. I am happy say the chicken was delightful, I posted about it today.

    NCmountainwoman, it makes sense you prefer staying out of the snow!

  4. I have never in my life seen snowflakes .. of such beautiful shapes! They are beautiful. I do not live in a snowy place and it always seems magic to me. Nice to meet you. Thanks for visiting me.

  5. Joan, I'm glad to be able to show a semblance of them up close for you. They are beautiful, no doubt. Nice to meet you too...until next time:)

  6. It's been cold all week in Sarasota...looking forward to this week's warmup. Hugs!

  7. I'm sure you are dad. Hugs back!


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