Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Morning Snow

I love waking up to freshly fallen snow...

...everything looks pristine.

We tried to play, but the snow was too soft (I wasn't exaggerating yesterday when I told you the flakes were big, fluffy and puffy)...we need to wait until it melts a little and freezes, maybe tomorrow will be more promising...
 ...but desperate times call for desperate measures...this didn't work either!

This is a picture I took first thing this morning, no flash.  You can actually see the shapes of some of the individual flakes...there is one that looks like a flower in the upper left side of the photo...

Our blue birds of happiness look content with their snow caps on!

The snow helps define the logged area (top right side of photo) and the stone outcrop (just to the left of the center tree) where I stood looking down at the cabin (bottom left corner)...

I enjoyed watching the icicles develop throughout the day...drip, drip, drip and then instantly freezing, the sun shone brightly but the temperature never got above 24 degrees F...lets hope all that melting and freezing lends to good sledding tomorrow!

And yes, I'll attempt a snow angel...forgot all about them until writing this post.

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Awe, it's beautiful. You got more than we did. We only had a dusting. Those flakes are so pretty in that pic. Take care and stay warm. Hugs.

  2. A beautiful snow -- have you tried making snow cream? A little half and half or cream, a little sugar, a little vanilla, and some nice clean fluffy snow. Yumm!

  3. Beautiful to look at and fun for you kids to play in! Hugs!

  4. It sure is beautiful Susie, and it hasn't melted yet! You stay warm as well, we're in for a few very cold days! Hugs to you:)

    Vicki, that sounds fabulous, I've never done that, will definitely give it a try!

    Hugs back to you dad! We might get more snow in the near future too...

  5. Oh, so lovely! What fun! I wouldn't make the snow cream someone suggested...far too many chemicals in the snow now. I used to love that when I was a kid.

  6. Thanks Marie, I'll keep that in mind:)


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