Monday, January 6, 2014

It's Gonna Be A Frigid Night

We've had a little more snow today, blustery flurries that have left just a trace of snow on the ground.  The mountain top trees are covered in ice and sparkle when the sun shines on them...this beautiful sight greeted me as as I walked up the mountain today...felt like I was in the right place at the right time, though my fingers, toes and nose were telling me to get back to the cabin despite being bundled up from head to toe to combat the frigid gusting wind...

We've been preparing ourselves for this arctic blast that is marching across the states by stacking lots of fire wood (inside and extra right near the front door...there won't be any midnight traipsing for wood tonight), water in containers (in case the well pump or pipes freeze), extra insulation around the well pump pipes outside, and we'll be running water in the faucets tonight (we will put buckets under it to catch the water for future use)...we are expecting temps to hover 0F degrees with the wind chill as low as -30, something we've never experienced here.  The wind is already pushing through our cabin's log walls and it's 11F outside even though the sun is still's going to be a night of bundling up and keeping the wood stove stoked!  I know north of us the expected wind chills will be downright life threatening...stay safe and warm!  

What are you doing to prepare yourself for this arctic blast?
Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. I dread it. This is the coldest time I can remember in many years. Ya'll stay warm and take care. Hugs

  2. Making homemade soup and rustic yeastbread. Reading Sue Monk Kidd's newest and knitting a little.

  3. We woke up to 39 degrees and expect a high of 59 today...making chili for dinner...we think this is the night for the apple brandy! Hugs!

  4. Hope you stayed warm Susie and all your pipes survived! We made it just fine, even though the bottoms of our window panes were covered with ice and frost!

    Sounds delicious NCmountainwoman! Hope you made it through all right!

    Wow dad, that's cold for you! Chili sounds yum...let me know what you think of the brandy, hope you both enjoy it! Hugs back:)


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