Friday, January 3, 2014

First Snow of 2014

Woo hoo!  Not only are we enjoying the first snow of 2014, but this is our first real snow (we had one day with miniscule flurries) of the year!

My enjoyment of this snow event began last night as I watched the snow start to fall...Johny didn't think it was so great when he had to go out at midnight to collect more wood because the winds were so strong the wood stove was working double time to keep the cabin warm...wish I had been motivated enough to get up and get a picture, he wore only his night shirt, a wool cap and his shoes as he carefully carried loads of wood up the back stairs...would have loved to get a picture of the gusting snow blowing up that shirt, LOL!

The morning greeted us with the glow of the sun waking up our snow covered mountains as it rose...a joy to watch...
...and the splendor of the white carpet surrounding us...

Pogo was in a big hurry to get back into the cabin after his morning business.

The howling wind and chill caused ice to form on the bottom of the window frame in the wonder I felt cold!  

Love tracks in the snow...
...and the sun glistening on freshly fallen snow.

Onearm was happy to receive her nuts this morning.

Fluffy wasn't sure she was enjoying the white stuff on her paws...this was her first experience with snow and she quickly decided she preferred to be inside today...

I love the contradiction of the soft fluffy snow against the dark gravel.

I decided to walk over to visit my friend Bertie and bring her and her son Ronnie some of my black eyed peas and collard greens that I promised, and the sights along the way were lovely...

...the road to the garden...
 ...the garden...
...our friend and neighbor Else's drive...
 ...Bertie's yard...

Walking through the snow, breathing in the chilled air, these are a few of my favorite things!  Did you get any snow or cold weather last night?

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Looks like you had a beautiful but possibly slick walk.

    We are to get extremely cold temps Sunday and Monday, -12 before wind chill. Snow Saturday Sunday and again Wednesday is predicted!

    Your pictures are of beautiful country!

    Keep warm, my friend.

  2. No snow yet here in Western Arkansas, but we have had temps in the teens the last two mornings.
    An Arkie's Musings

  3. Yes we had cold/freezing last was 52 degrees. Hugs!

  4. Patti, we are also getting the cold blast, but not like you! Stay warm my friend:)

    You may get some of this recent blast Richard, stay warm!

    Ha ha dad, I know for you that was chilling you to the bone! Hugs back:)


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