Thursday, December 5, 2013

Our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

I love Charlie Brown, always have...when I was young, probably 8 or 9 years old, I performed my first solo tap dance to Snoopy's "Suppertime", but that's a different story...when my girls were young sitting together and watching A Charlie Brown Christmas was a tradition that I held hard and fast to far beyond the age at which they were interested in sitting with me.  I love that show to this day and the Vince Guaraldi Trio sound track is one of my favorite Christmas CD's.  I can't say I have a favorite track, but click here if you'd like to listen to Christmas Time Is Here while you read on.

It seems we've begun a Christmas tradition here at the cabin...we find a tree somewhere on our property for our Christmas tree...the first year we cut a small dying Hemlock (we loved this bare tree)...
...last year we hiked into the mountains to find one...
...this year we selected a white pine that was too close to the garden and would have had to come down anyway...
...this year's tree looks pretty darn good for a Charlie Brown tree!

I hope you are enjoying your Christmas preparations...

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Wonderful photos! I love this beautiful Christmas tree!

  2. Wonderful photos! I love this beautiful Christmas tree!

  3. Your trees are beautiful! I like the airy look!

  4. I love the idea of Charlie Brown trees. I especially love that you gave the dying Hemlock one last chance to shine.

  5. I think your Christmas tree is beautiful. How excititing to select your own tree. These are wonderful photos. I love your tree.

  6. The white pine Christmas tree looks great! I want to break out in song: Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree...
    P.S. As I write this, you are here with me and I can hug you physically!

  7. Your trees remind me of Christmas on the farm where I grew up. We always went to the woods with my older brother to cut a pine or cedar that happened to be the right size. Most of them ended up looking like Charlie Brown trees, especially when Mother let Gay and me make all the ornaments, paper chains, etc. I have a photo of one of them. We loved it.

  8. That's a nice tree. We won't be spending Christmas at the cabin, so we didn't decorate at all (except for the solar Christmas lights that stay up all year - we love them). We are going to Los Angeles a week before Christmas and will be leaving Bellingham right after the holidays, so I may not be decorating much anywhere. Christmas used to be my favourite holiday. Now it isn't so much with no extended family to share it with. - Margy

  9. Thanks everyone, we are enjoying it!


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