Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving Is Family

Another fabulous Thanksgiving for the Landry clan...this year we had folks joining us from near and far and it was a grand day.  We always make sure to take a family photo...Thanksgiving is family after all...quite the gang, wouldn't you say?

I had very intention of taking pictures all day long, but there was so much to do (I take the lead helping my dad keep everything organized and prepared on time) that my camera sat on the bed much of the day.  Every now and then though, I'd remember to snap a few photos to remember this year's festivities... husband Johny and three of my dad's sisters... cousin's son Mason helping my dad (Pépère)...
 ...Mason up close...cute little fellow, isn't he?
My sister-in-law Wendy imitating the magnet on the fridge...I wonder why she decided the figure had it's mouth open...I'll have to ask her...
...I call this the testoserone corner...
 ...we had 35 people, every spot on the lanai filled and a few of us had to sit in the kitchen.
We had a surprise 80th birthday celebration for my Aunt Gaby, that's my dad showing her this really awesome candle that was spinning around and played happy birthday...
 ...close up of the flowers on the cake...they were gorgeous!

This is how I felt once everyone left for the day...head having to be held up!

Friday morning a few of us gathered again before heading our separate daughters Erin & Jessi (love them so, can't wait to see that for Christmas)...
...and my grandson Liam enjoying his hot cocoa...can you believe this is one of the few photos I got of him the whole time?...I"ll make up for it at Christmas!

I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving as much as I did.

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. What a wonderful time you all had with the kids and all the good food. How nice for everyone. Like you, I always plan to make pictures, but get busy and the day is over before I think about it. You did well to get so many good ones.

    I had a nice day as well and now I'm into getting ready for Christmas.
    Love your blog.

  2. Wow, now that's a crowd! What a lovely celebration!

  3. What a fun time that looks like. When I was little we had big dinners like that a my grandmothers house. Boy I miss those days. We had 8 at our table.

    We are headed to Florida tomorrow for 1 week. I can hardly wait.

  4. Thank you Glenda, I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving...I'm not nearly ready for Christmas, but bring it on!

    Indeed Vicki, and a fun one at that!

    Patti, it was fabulous. Enjoy FL, I do hope I can pull the humidity and rain with us so you can enjoy your sand and sun my friend! Safe travels:)

  5. Thanks for the and hugs!

  6. I loved seeing this awesome family celebration! How wonderful. Been away a lot...sorry!

  7. It was awesome dad, love and hugs back to you and see you soon again!

    Thanks Marie, nice to have you back! I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving:)


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