Friday, November 22, 2013

Rise 'n Shine!

We are heading to Gainesville to visit our friends Dick & Ursula for the day...they moved there recently and we haven't seen what they've done with it yet...what this means is we are starting early and will be back late so I'm posting now.

I thought you might enjoy a couple more rise 'n shine (reminds me of a peppy song we used to sing in the car on the way to my grandmother's every Sunday)'s amazing to me how the sunrise colors morph over time...
 ...always magical, always breathtaking, each day unique...
...I hope you have a special and joyous day!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,

PS...septic tanks emptied (more about that in a few was fascinating) but plumbers are coming Monday...seems there might be some roots blocking the pipes...never a dull moment!


  1. Beautiful photos and beautiful memories...Rise and shine and give God your glory glory...Hugs!

  2. LOvely pictures! Safe travels to you!

  3. I hear it dad, I hear it so well! Good memories indeed, hugs back:)

    Thanks Vicki, we are enjoying our trip.

  4. What gorgeous skies! Love all the great colors!


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