Thursday, November 21, 2013

Poker and Punch Lines

One of the things we enjoy about coming to our river place is seeing good friends again.  Yesterday, Johny had the guys over for an afternoon of poker, laughs and good eats (all coordinated by the Mountain Man himself).  The motley crew...

...serious business...

I made myself scarce, not wanting to interrupt their "man time"...and I didn't want to be around fretting over the mess in the kitchen, the broken chair (discovered when I returned to drop some things off) or anything else that boys do that girls don't.  I ran a bunch of errands and on my travels passed a favorite sign that a local used car lot uses to advertise...I always enjoy reading the scrolling messages while I wait for the light to turn green; puts a smile on my face...


 ...sometimes I wish the light wouldn't change so I could just sit there and laugh for a while.

It's a good thing I was reminded of these funny quotes because I am presently waiting for a septic company to come and pump our septic tanks...I walked into the back bathroom after doing some laundry this morning to find it flooded and the tub filled with not very pretty never knows when the poop will hit the floor (I'm counting my blessings that it didn't hit the fan, LOL!)...OK, not really funny nor did it make me laugh, but they say laughter is the best medicine, right?

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. I've seen some quite funny signs before to and can't help but laugh. I sure do hat to hear about the septic tank problems. My son had that to happen last year. It's no fun. I feel your pain. Hugs, xo

  2. Oh you poor girl. Maybe those guys had too much party food!

    Loved the car dealers signs.

  3. Septic tank back ups are a mess...remember the one in Coral Gables? Hugs!

  4. Susie, it's a good thing life reminds you to laugh, because septic stuff is sh**y business!

    Thanks Patti, I have no doubt you are on the right track...that's what happens when the man of the house prepares everything...boys will be boys!

    So true dad, and yes, I do could I forget??? Hugs back:)


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