Monday, November 18, 2013

Greeted By A Lovely Orchid

We made the trip back to our river place today to take care of a few things but most importantly, to be with family for Thanksgiving...much more to come about that!

As we were unpacking the car, I suddenly noticed this beautiful orchid blooming under my "orchid tree"'s the tree I've hung and secured all my orchids...a bright and cheery greeting after a very long trip...
...alas one outer petal was a little burnt/ obviously has been extremely dry here, even my staghorn ferns are withered from the heat...
...but the colors are exquisite...
...and the ruffly petals still dainty and bright.

I'll be giving it lots of TLC (tender loving care) while we are here, along with all the other plants that have missed me (and the water they need)

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. How beautiful to be greeted by a blooming flower~

    Have a wonderful time with your family!

  2. That is so gorgeous. Hope you enjoy your family. Hugs, xo

  3. Welcome back...I arranged for the orchid to bloom to greet you two. Hugs!

  4. Wow! What a beautiful flower. What a wonderful way to be greeted home. I hope you and your family have a very Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Thanks Patti and Susie, it's going to be an awesome time!

    Looking forward to seeing your orchid tree dad, and our special greeting:) Hugs back!

    Thank you Brenda, Thanksgiving blessings to you and your family as well!

  6. Yes, I have been admired with these delicious colors!


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