Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Giving Thanks

This big fellow greeted me as I passed by on my walk this morning, the brightest spot along the river at 6:30!  I bet he's happy he won't be gracing someone's table:)
Seeing him got me to thinking about all the things I am grateful for and how fortunate I am to live such a blessed life.  Life is good indeed!

I won't post tomorrow; we have lots of family gathering and I don't want to miss a minute (so excited I'll be seeing Liam again!!!) and I know you too will be enjoying the day with your family and probably won't be reading lots of blogs. 

Heartfelt thanks to all of you, my faithful family/friends/readers/subscribers/followers, for helping make my blog a success!  Many blessings to you and your travels if you'll be on the road.

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow (well...Friday),


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!! So you're in Florida?! This time next week we will be too!

    Lizzie and I saw a turkey just like that yesterday coming home from town. She thought he was pretty excited!

    Enjoy your family time!

  2. Hope it was a great Thanksgiving for you and yours!

  3. Dad, it was a great time together! Big giant hugs to you and high five and knuckle bump too!!! Hugs back:)

    Patti, looks like your gathering was lovely as well. Yes in FL right now, but heading back to the cabin tomorrow!

    It was Vicki, looks like yours was as well!


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