Saturday, November 23, 2013

Free Flowing

We sat on the dock with our coffee this morning, watching the runners/bicyclists pass by along the road as a myriad of organic things flowed freely along in the river.  The most interesting thing to catch my attention was this feather...this was the first picture I took...
...I was enjoying how gently it bobbed with the waves but didn't really see these neat reflections until I looked at the photo through the camera's viewer...the picture above looks like a strange fish...the one below is a clear photo of the feather with the flash creating the abstraction in the corner.

The reflections intrigued me, so I started snapping away (none of these photos have been edited other than to crop them)...these three are of the sunlight reflecting on the water (squeezing through the inbetweens of the half wall made of 4" wide deck boards)...

The next three are from a deck post about 8 feet away from the can see the actual post in the top of this first one...
 ...these two are only the reflection...
...and I think those little squiggly lines may be the flash or sun reflecting on tiny fish swimming around...

It was a very relaxing way to start a day that turned out being very busy!  So nice to have these free flowing images in my mind as I unwind...I hope you find them relaxing too.

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. These are some awesome pics Lise. You did a great job capturing these. Hugs, xo

  2. Preciosa captura, una gran foto! Para mi estos reflejos son una obra maestra!!

  3. Okay I'm sea sick now!

    Just kidding, great pictures!

  4. I love reflections and these are especially beautiful.

  5. Thanks Susie, right time right place!

    Gracias Leovi, I appreciate that, especially from you!

    LOL Patti, and the river is really
    choppy now!

    Thanks Vicki, I don't usually do abstract, but these were just so beautiful!

  6. You are a true artist...capturing what would otherwise go unnoticed. Thanks. Hugs!

  7. Thanks dad, one of these might make a great piece of art to hang in a "modern" home! Hugs back!


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