Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Forgotten Treasures

I've been wanting to switch out our colonial style coffee table with this rustic handmade wooden chest for a long time.  We used to use the chest to store things but when we had the wood burning stove installed, we lost the space for it, so down into the basement it went...collecting lots of dust, wood shavings and a few nibbles from scavenging mice.  I finally decided it was time to make the switch...cleaned up it's not too bad looking...
...and take advantage of the precious storage space my new coffee table could provide.

You see, I've had two large storage boxes sitting in my living room...they are filled with vintage treasures...lace curtains, embroidered doilies and handkerchiefs, table cloths, place mats...a combination of things from both our parents/grandparents.  I want to sort through the items and use the chest to store what I do not use immediately.  Here is a very small selection of some of what is in those boxes...
...I felt like a kid in a candy shop as I looked through those boxes!  I'd forgotten how many unique, lovely items filled them...and was delighted as I began pulling each one out and held them up to admire.

Then I came across this delicate Bavarian Princess Jewelry butterfly pin...a treasure from Johny's mom...
...the detail is exquisite...
...this is the story on the back...
...though there are a few of the threads that have come undone, it is is really great condition. 

Coming across these treasures again gave me a moment to pause and remember both our mom's who have passed away...I'm looking forward to going through each and every item and deciding where to place them here in the cabin (they can't all be displayed at the same time, I'll enjoy switching them now and again)...and I'll treasure every loving sigh of remembrance I take when I look at them.

Do you ever come across treasure you forgot were there?

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Those material treasures get transformed into loving treasures when you enjoy them as you do. Hugs!

  2. I love the rustic look of the chest, so pretty! I'd have one of those beautiful doilies on top of it.

  3. So true dad! Hugs back:)

    I agree Mamabug...the challenge is deciding which one to use first. I'll enjoy switching them now and then, but the first has to be just right:)

  4. Beautiful treasures! We too use a large cedar chest as a coffee table in front of our fireplace. Mine is filled with quilts I've made, bought, or inherited.


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