Sunday, November 24, 2013

Devil's Millhopper and Kaffeeklatsch

It is a pure pleasure to get to visit with friends we haven't seen for a far we've enjoyed dinner out with our friend Brucie, lunch with our friend Sharon and a day with our friends Ursula & Dick...Ursula prepared a lovely lunch in their new home and gave us a tour of their new digs...
...she shared some interesting archaeological yard finds she dug up in their new backyard as she prepared the land for her new garden...aren't these tiles beautiful?  She believes they were hand made by the previous owner... 
...and were stones for pets who had passed...incredible works of art to be discovered hidden under the earth!

She has a marvelous garden, always has, but this is the first time I have ever seen loofah in plant form!

We decided to go walking through Devil's Millhopper, a sinkhole thousands of years old...this is us beginning the trek with our dogs Pogo and Gretchen... 
...a view of the sinkhole from above...
...Dick, Pogo and Gretchen staying at the top of the 280+ stairs leading down to the bottom of the hole...too much for the dogs to handle (Dick volunteered to stay at the top of the stairs with them to save their hips from the numerous stairs...maybe his too, LOL!)...
...this is on the way down...
...the falls... the bottom...
...a sign along the way...ancient and spiritual feeling place...

Johny spotted this Chicken of the Woods mushroom growing in the trees...these are supposed to be good eating!

We returned to Ursula and Dick's house for a little kaffeeklatsch (a friendly German tradition of gathering for coffee and conversation)...not only looks beautiful but tasted delicious!

It's good to spend time with good friends, laughing, exploring, enjoying...

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. It's good to take time to be with friends. Hugs!

  2. True dad! Can't wait to be with the family though:) Hugs back!


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