Monday, November 11, 2013

A Day In Asheville

I'd like to honor all those Veteran's and their families who have and are serving our country...
we continue to be the land of the free and the home of the brave!

We spent Saturday in Asheville, a hip city about 60 miles east of us (hip may sound funny, but it's the best way I know to describe the feel there).  Our adventure began because we attended the WNC Communities Honors program, with our own Pumpkintown receiving a participating community award for the work done on behalf of the residents (yeah Pumpkintown!).  It took place at the Grove Park Inn, a historic Inn that captures the feel (and view) of the mountains perfectly...the last time we visited the Inn was for our honeymoon and it was fabulous to be back and experience the grandeur again...this is one of the enormous fireplaces in the has rocking chairs in a row in front of it, where visitors can sit and enjoy the ambiance (I kept those heads in the photo to show you how large the fireplace is...
 ...this is the mantle stone...
...once you've been there you definitely want to return!

The Inn is filled with interesting art work that is changed periodically...
 ...and this time of year lots of beautifully decorated Christmas trees...this was my favorite, mushrooms, gnomes and beautifully preserved leaves and hydrangea...
These photo is of one of the restaurants (left) and a newer wing in the distance...
...there is an expansive mountain view from the rooms in the historic section of the inn...and in the center of this photo, barely visible, is the underground spa...a magical place worth putting on your bucket me!

 After walking through the Inn for a while, we headed downtown...all are welcome :)...
 ...and there are musicians sharing their talent everywhere...
...look at the car in the photo above closely...I didn't see it when I took the picture, but it made me laugh when I looked at my photos...this is Asheville!

We heard what sounded like banging, but by the time we got to the source of the sound, the artist was gone...stunning detail...

This is the Amazing Pubcycle, you help propel the vehicle by peddling, and travel from pub to pub... looked like great fun (just have to be sure you have a designated driver to get you home)...

As we were heading back to our car we passed this gorgeous bench...would love to have this in our woods!

It was a fun day...if you ever have the opportunity to visit Asheville and the incredible Grove Park Inn, I highly recommend it!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderfully glorious day...congratulations for taking time off. Hugs!

  2. I love Asheville! Just the right size for a city and so much neat stuff going on!

  3. I love Asheville. Spent an afternoon there recently. I saw the peddling pub and looked like those guys were having so much fun.
    We had to visit Chocolate Fetish and smaple dome sipping chocolate and some candy. Oh, so good.
    I'm glad you enjoyed your visit. We stayed at the Grove Park Inn once for our anniversary.

  4. It was great dad. We're trying to do a little more day tripping to enjoy all the beauty in this area. Hugs back:)

    So true Vicki!

    Glenda, might have to visit Chocolate Fetish next time:)


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