Monday, October 28, 2013

That's What Friends Are For

I spent today driving our good friend Bertie to see her husband Ron in the hospital a couple hours east of us.  It was a great day for many reasons that I won't go into, but the Universe has a way of making everything happen just as it should. 

Here they are, seeing each other for the first time in two days...
...Bertie said I could post both pictures, so I am.  They both have their individual charm and the love of 56 years together shining through.  More importantly, things are moving in a forward direction.  It was a really great day...did I say this already?
There are times when life throws you curves that are hard to handle, hard to manage, hard to accept...but we find a way, often through our faith of choice...and through the love of our friends. That's what friends are for!  

One of our stops was for lunch, and Bertie said she just had to have a picture of this poster... you go my dear friend.  May the Sandman be gracious to you tonight!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. What a wonderful thing to do. I am sure it make everyone feel good, and the sign is a hoot! - Margy

  2. Bertie and Ron are blessed to have each other so long. You can see the love in his eyes as he looks at her.
    You are a good friend, Lise, and I know they appreciate your driving. Yes, that is what friends are for.

  3. Oh my sending prayers for a speedy recovery for Ron and Bertie!

  4. Healing thoughts to Ron and the sign. Wondering if the double entendre was planned or by accident? Hugs!

  5. Margy, the sign did make us laugh, and laughter is the best medicine:)

    Thanks Glenda, I was glad to be able to help.

    Thanks Patti, they appreciate all the prayers they can get!

    Thanks dad, hard to tell about the sign, it was made so long ago, I think it was probably printed before anyone realized how funny it was. Hugs back!


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