Monday, October 14, 2013

That's What Friends Are For

It's true, I didn't publish a post yesterday...we've been busy with friends and time got away from me and I decided it was a good "vacation" day:) just wouldn't be the same without our friends, would it?!

Saturday, Johny and I took a leisurely ride around the mountain on Bear (our ATV).  Our voyage included a stop at the mailbox, where we encountered our friend Ron and his golf cart with a mechanical breakdown.  Another friend and neighbor Robert was already on the scene, and together the men were trying to figure out what the problem was and how to get Ron on his merry way again.
But the cart proved to be out of commission, so Johny and I towed Ron back to his place...that's what friends are for! 
Funny, Johny looks bored/irritated in this photo...I think he was feeling impatient that I was making him wait so I could take a picture!  And yes, Ron made it home safe and sound.

Yesterday, our good friends Dick and Ursula came over for lunch.  I made my Venison Beer Stew and Ursula made a beautiful rustic crusty bread (it's covered by the green towel...sure wish I had taken a picture of it) that was a perfect compliment to the stew, as was the Blackstock Cabernet Sauvignon Dick shared with us.  We enjoyed seeing each other again (it's been quite a while, they live in FL but were staying at their place in north GA for a few weeks) and shared good food and good conversation...  
...with coffee and blueberry tarts I made for desert.
Dick and Ursula used Johny's Crosman pellet gun for a little target practice...this is Dick showing Ursula how to aim...
...and this is Ursula hitting her target!
We took them to one of our favorite places and we walked around (more about this garden below), picked some apples and a few other garden delights while soaking up the fresh mountain air. 
Ursula brought this lovely fresh flower bouquet for me, beautiful, isn't it?  We had a great time...
...that's what friends are for!

Today, we remember our good friend Robert, who passed away one year ago today.  Our thoughts go out to his wife Brucie and her family...I know today is a tough day for them.  We all mourn him and the wonderful person he was.
Interestingly, Johny and I were visiting the same garden one year ago today when we received a call from Dick about Robert's passing...coincidence that we went there yesterday with Dick and Ursula?  I'm not sure, but I'm glad we were there with them.  That's what friends are for!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. You know me...reminds me of a song:

    "Keep smiling, keep shining
    Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
    That's what friends are for
    For good times and bad times
    I'll be on your side forever more
    That's what friends are for..." Hugs!

  2. And I can hear you singing it dad! Maybe you can serenade me during Thanksgiving:) Hugs back!


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