Friday, October 11, 2013

Slim Pickin's... the garden anyway...looks like our bean crop is slowing down...this was our harvest for today.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining...I canned 6 quarts of beans today (that's in addition to the 6 canned and 8 frozen quarts preserved previously, the fresh beans we ate at least a half dozen times and the beans we gave to friends to enjoy)...and we still have blooms and small beans sprouting.  We are picking them smaller now because the skins are getting tougher (the newbies are actually quite sweet and delicious), and leaving the bigger on the vines to generate seeds.  This year's bean crop has been awesome, and though not finished yet, it is slim pickin's!

The clouds were few and far between today...another gorgeous fall day.  You can see a little color developing on the mountains but I see a lot of browns and more and more leaves on the ground.  Peak fall foliage should be happening between now and the end of October in our area...we'll see what happens...keeping our fingers crossed!

I found another uninvited guest in our grill last night when I was getting ready to grill our dinner (good thing they keep choosing the charcoal side which we have yet to use) looked like a pair in there, the one in the photo being mama mouse (her belly was huge), but they took off once the gas started heating up the other side of the grill.  I wish I could figure out how to keep them out of there...last time I found a nest I scoured everything and put some moth balls in it thinking that would prevent any nest making...
...boy was I wrong!  I have to give them credit, they are quite the builders...but I sure wish they'd find someplace else to call home...I'm sure alternative sites are not slim pickin's.

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. My summer garden is pretty much done - i got 5 jalapeno peppers yesterday (should get some more soon) now on to my fall garden. I am only seeing cilantro come up but I am hoping for carrots, onions and lettuce. We shall see.

    Glad your beans grew so well! yummy!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Carlye! Our garden is also pretty much done now, but there are still a few beans....we didn't plant a fall garden this year, maybe next year.

  3. You need a couple more pets...adopt the mice! Hugs!

  4. I don't think we have a choice dad, they seem to have adopted us! Hugs back:)


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