Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Folks round here say "oryng" or something close to that for orange...the color that, for me, defines fall.  I love the yellow's (yellr's) and red's...but oryng is my favorite.
 I've always loved the color oryng, but I think living at the end of Punkin'town (we don't pronounce the "mpki" in Pumpkintown here) road makes me love oryng all the more.  The same way folks here chuckle at us when we say we're harvesting our potatoes...they'd say taters...

This is my newly acquired will be used for Thanksgiving and filled with a delectable meat stuffing spiced with cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg...a family tradition.  I'll tell you more about that when the magic happens.

Last night, we celebrated oryng with a meal of fresh mountain trout sprinkled with minced carrot greens for herbs, wild rice, our lovely fresh harvested oryng carrots roasted to perfection and a lovely squash bloom for garnish (we both ate it, delish!).

Outside our living room window, these lovely oryng leaves are preparing to could say they are red, but for today's purposes...oryng.

Visit ABCWednesday for more "O" posts!  In the meantime, I remember a family favorite joke...My brother would hold up a banana...he'd ask 'what's this' and the poor soul at the end of the joke would say banana....this went on for about 5 rounds.  Finally, he'd hold up an orange and say "oryng you glad I didn't say banana"?  Ha ha ha, we always cracked up with this silly joke (I think I got it right...close enough anyway) still makes me laugh out loud!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Beautiful autumn orange objects. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

  2. I love roasted carrots - your whole meal looks scrumptious - and all your photos are stunning.

    abcw team

  3. Love the slang and style of your post. Its delightful as well as just plain lovely.
    I may have to cook up a mess of taters for supper myself.

  4. A very OLD joke!

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  5. Wonderful post for letter "O"! I am also going to have to fry up a mess o taters for supper tomorrow, I think this whetted a few appetites!

  6. I just LOVE the name Pumpkin Town, Id go there in a minute. Your fall looks wonderful in your area.

  7. Have an oryng kind of day. Did you say banana? Ha! Ha! Hugs!

  8. Thanks Carver!

    Thanks Leslie, and the carrots were delish!

    Thanks photowannabe and uberrhund, how 'bout some maters with those taters!

    Ha ha Rog, a classic indeed!

    Ann, not only is Pumpkintown a cool name, it's a cool place to live!

    Ha ha dad, no one can give a punch line like you! Hugs back:)

  9. Excellent photos with autumnal orange colors! I really like the Oryng!


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