Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My New Treasure

I've been out and about running errands in town today, and I brought home a new treasure. 

I've been interested in this piece for quite some time...admiring it at a local antique/auction's a perfect fit for a spot near our back door and adds some much needed storage space.  It's a tiger oak secretary with book shelves, and I got it for a real deal (after some savvy negotiating, if I do say so myself).  A simple design with just a touch of style/classic elegance/personality on the secretary door...
...I love it!  The glass on the door is not the original (obvious because the view through it is totally wavy look or bubbles in it), a point of discussion during the purchase, but I love it just the same.  I'm off to start putting it to use!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. I am SO jealous.

    You call it tiger oak is that the same as quarter sawn oak.

    Anyway it's beautiful!

  2. Thanks Patti! I didn't know the answer to your question so I looked it up and sure enough they mean the same thing...quartersawn is the actual method of cutting radially to get the vertical stripes and tiger oak is one of the names they give to wood cut in that manner...apparently there are many names for it. No matter what you call it, I love it!

  3. That is Gorgeous! I, too, am jealous but congratulations to you.

  4. Thanks for stopping by myprovidentjourney! I do love the piece:)

  5. Beautiful piece of furniture...It is so familiar to me. I know I have seen it somewhere in the family before. Looks great...enjoy! Hugs!

  6. Dad, that would be awesome if it's similar to another piece that was in the family. Hugs back:)


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