Sunday, October 6, 2013

I Love The Reds

The leaves are falling rapidly, leaving (or should I say leafing, LOL) me wondering how much color we will see this Fall.  We took a ride on Bear (our ATV) around the mountains in the late afternoon yesterday and came across this beautiful demonstration of the brilliance of fall...the skies were overcast so the sun's rays aren't lighting up this beauty, but it sure is pretty.  I love the winding road and the cavity in the tree trunk behind it. 

This morning, the butterflies were swarming around the few thistles that are left...maybe they know there's a cold front on the way and the thistles won't be around much longer...the hummingbirds have already headed south.

I'm looking forward to crisp, chilly air!  How about you?

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. It turned chill here yesterday went from 83 on Friday to 53 on Saturday.

    BT asked for your deer stew, so that is simmering away in the kitchen. I have a loaf of 5 minute artisan bread raising to go with it. Then there's the pumpkin bread I made too.

    I love fall cooking!!

  2. Those pictures are so beautiful. I love this season so much and the beauty that comes with it is so breathtaking. You really captured a pretty one with that butterfly.. Hugs, xo

  3. No crisp, chilly air for me, thank you! Hugs!

  4. Patti, I'm so glad you are enjoying the stew recipe, it is a winner, if I do say so myself! Sounds like you made the perfect fall day must have been cooking all day!

    Thanks Susi, fall is awesome! Hugs to you:)

    Ha ha dad, I know. Hugs back:)


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