Monday, October 21, 2013

Garden Musings

We've enjoyed this year's garden tremendously...we still are, but the season's quickly coming to a close...frost and below freezing temps are expected around here in the next few days.  I feel a little sad knowing that soon, our productive garden will be resting in preparation for next year...and though we'll continue to enjoy our garden produce through everything I've preserved, there's something to be said for enjoying nature's bounty.  Until next year... 

We harvested another full basket of beans and still have blooms and small sprouts still striving to reach maturity...we'll pick them the day before frost is expected.
The Snap Bush Strike beans I sowed while participating in the Blind Pig and the Acorn seed project are still producing beautifully. 
When we harvest all the remainder of the maturing beans, we are also going to uproot all the bean vines that have pods we've been saving for seeds, and hang them upside down in the basement (Mountain Man learned of this so we are trying want to wait until the beans have yellowed before taking from the stalk and saving the seeds) and we will be planting them next year.  We are going to look for one additional bean that remains stringless...I'm still working on  my bean stringing technique, my success rate is not very good...

We still have gorgeous squash that we know they won't be producing fruit we can pick them for use in salads...
...or for stuffing with cheese.  I'll wait to harvest them until right before I'm ready to use them so they are just picked fresh.

We harvested the rest of our red potatoes today...'s extremely gratifying to push the soil around with your hands and come upon the little spuds nesting in the ground...can't wait to eat them!
We also harvested our sweet potatoes...we only planted one seed potato which resulted in a good harvest...
 ...even though they were funny looking.
I'd say our harvest today was at least 12 pounds of spuds (this picture is both the sweet and red potatoes).

I spotted one more tiny watermelon that was hanging on the outside of the fence...unfortunately it was already soft and rotting, so back into the garden it went...compost for next year.

I also decided to cut the corn stalks (Johny did the cutting for me) and create a fall decoration with them...
 ...I stuck a few red leaves in the bunch and thought it looked festive...
 ...but then I found some of my friend Bertie's Hydrangea cuttings and used some of those instead...
...I like it.

Is your garden still producing or is it resting up for next year?

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Oh, those green beans look nice! Are they stringless? My garden is mostly done -- plowed over and sowed with crimson clover. There are still some peppers I need to get before a heavy frost.

  2. What a great harvest you had and lessons learned. Love the fall decorations on the deck...don't forget to return the corn stalks & other vegetation to your garden. Hugs!

  3. I was glad to see your corn stalks on the deck. (By the way they look awesome there). I thought you were turning Johny into a scare crow there for a minute.

    We are in the casita for 11 days, therefore no blogging for me.

  4. Lise , batter the squash flowers with tempura and fry them delish , your garden did great this year , we also take young watermelon and fry them just like squash with oyster sauce love them too yum yum

  5. Vicki, the beans in the photo are stringless, but all the others we have are not. Crimson clover sounds like a lovely winter ground cover, maybe we'll try it. Last year we used winter rye, but it didn't grow well.

    Dad, the everything will go back to the garden, though perhaps starting in our compost pile...decomposes better there. Life is good here, no doubt! Hugs back.

    Patti, there's still time for the scare crow concept, LOL! Enjoy your casita time...going any place in particular or just roaming?

    Sounds delicious Malcolm...I know about the fried and stuffed blooms, but I didn't know about frying watermelon...that sounds fabulous! Love oyster sauce:)


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