Monday, September 23, 2013

Three Vintage Canes & An Umbrella

Every time I come to our river house, I sort through and organize some of our belongings.  I came across these canes and a parasol and was fascinated by them.  I don't know much about them yet, except that we got them from Johny's parents. Johny was born in Luxembourg, as were his parents.  His grandparents were from Italy, Austria and Belgium and his great grandfather from the Azores.  This collection of canes and the umbrella are all from Europe, but that's all we know so far.

This umbrella is beautiful with a black leather handle...

...and a delicately etched gold metal section you would hold with the umbrella over your head...
I can imagine walking on a foggy day along a European cobblestone road with this umbrella protecting me from the heavy mist...

This falcon eagle head cane is the simplest of all the canes, though it screws apart in the middle of the cane...I suppose for easy packing/transporting.  The wood is beautiful and has some weight to it.

This cane has ivory inlaid over the entire length of the is a piece of art. 

We think this cane is from Austria...all the design detail indicates this is the case...

I'll continue to research where these came from...there are many online resources...I found similar falcon eagle heads, but I've not found anything that looks like the other canes or the umbrella I have.  Do you have a favorite site to research antiques?

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Love the heads on the canes. No hidden booze containers to keep a bit of a nip to make your stroll warm and cozy? - Margy

  2. Can't help you with research sites...but I love the detail! Hugs!

  3. Unfortunately not Margy...I did look for what secrets they might hold, but they are mostly just beautiful pieces of art...which isn't so bad, is it!

    Thanks dad, they are treasures. Hugs back!


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