Friday, September 27, 2013

River Reflections

I do enjoy being here at our river place...there is something about this expanse of water that brings me great comfort.  I love watching the rising sun reflect in the ripples of the water...
 ...and the sun creating a glow in the sky as it awakens this part of the world.
Even cloudy morning skies are comforting...
This Osprey was perched on our dock and when I shared my neighbor that it excited me because they rarely come that close, she said it must have known my dock was lonely...
This dragonfly was visiting quietly in the backyard, but in the mornings as the sun is rising they are swarming at the rivers edge...I'm sure dining on whatever they can catch as night comes to a close. 

Life is good and I am grateful.  I love my river and I love my mountains and I love that I get to experience living and loving both!

Now I'm waiting for Jessi and Liam to arrive for the weekend...working on patiently waiting!  There is a slight possibility I may not post again until Sunday...taking advantage of every moment together...then again, I may be compelled to share some pictures of our fun!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Very peaceful photos...have a good time this weekend with Jessi and Liam. Hugs!

  2. I've got some calm lake water pictures for this week too. You do have two wonderful places with two very distinct characters. - Margy

  3. I too have a log cabin in the western NC area and love it there. I am just beginning the "blog life" so have been busy researching primitive lifestyles and all that goes with it. Thanks for your posts -- we have similar taste.

  4. Thanks dad, we had a super time...memories forever! Hugs back:

    I just saw your pictures Margy...really beautiful. Life is good, no doubt about that!

    Welcome Melinda, I'll have to visit your site:) I love living our log cabin life, it keeps us grounded and living simply!


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