Saturday, September 21, 2013

Last Day of Summer

It's been grey and rainy on this last day of summer and the last time daylight is present longer than darkness for a while...
...a cold front is moving through.

It makes for a perfect day curled up by the fire...
Johny just got back from a camping trip with his buddies (they got out of there just before the heavy rains started) and we're chatting about what each of us did the past few days.  We're also making detailed plans to plant asparagus...takes a long time to have asparagus produce, so we want to get some in the ground this Fall...more about that to come!   

It's also perfect book reading weather...I'm reading Catching Fire by Suzanne's the second book in the Hunger Game series...I haven't seen the movie and probably won't (I much prefer reading actual novels to movie versions)...but I enjoyed Hunger Games and am finding Catching Fire hard to put down.  I don't talk much about everything I read, I don't really know why, but in addition to reading science fiction, I really enjoy reading novels set in the southern Appalachian Mountains and written by local of my favorites is Vicki Lane. 

I'm also packing for another road trip to our river place...heading out early tomorrow morning...I'm looking forward to watching the first day of Fall awaken with the sun rising as I travel through the mountains, maybe I'll get some good photos!  I'm really excited because Jessi & Liam (and Trevor, Jessi's boyfriend) are coming next weekend...yippee, Liam time! 

What better way to spend a rainy day???

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


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