Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Fall-Is-In-The-Air Kind Of Day

It's been a perfect fall-is-in-the-air day...we started drinking our coffee enjoying a fire in the wood burning stove to warm the place up, harvested another full basket of green beans, picked another quart of blueberries...
 ...I made an apple galette with fresh apples picked off a wild apple was a bit of an experiment...I mixed the sliced apples with a little brown sugar and cinnamon, then mixed one egg yolk, about 1/2 cup heavy cream and a little raw sugar and poured that over the apples, then folded the edges of the crust over the pile and baked at 425 until the top started to brown (about 35 minutes) sure does smell good, I'll let you know if it turns out well.

Then I watched Onearm (the little American Red Squirrel with only one arm we took under our wings so to speak, click here to read more) come for some nuts...she's becoming a little less fearful and will wait while I put pecans on the railing for her...I noticed she looks like she may have a we're even more motivated to make sure she stays well fed!

Now I'm making chili and feeling extremely grateful for this life I lead.  Life is good!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. I am so glad apple season is coming in. I fried apples to go with our leftovers tonight.

    Love your little squirrel gal! Bless her heart.

  2. Chili, apple galette, perfect weather, a loved one by your side, and a pet squirrel. What more could you ask for? Hugs!

  3. Me too Patti...and I have a new gasket for my pressure canner, so who knows what else I might do with apples! PS...hope B doesn't take it personally that I am fattening her up and not including her with dinner, LOL!

    Agreed dad, the weather keeps moving in a direction that we love...makes everything else better! Hugs back


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