Thursday, September 26, 2013

Carrot Top Tea

Carrots are quickly becoming one of my favorite veggies to grow...mostly because there are so many things you can do with the greens AND they apparently have a long shelf life after harvesting...I brought some of the greens with me that I harvested back on the 18th, and they still look quite fresh!  I used only half of them for the pesto I made and I've been trying to figure out what else I can do with them.  Then I saw an internet idea for making tea...brilliant!  Carrot tea is easy to make, delicious with  bright carrot flavor, is an excellent natural detoxicant and strengthener of the kidneys, and is good for people suffering from urinary tract complaints. 

Carrot Top Tea

Chop cleaned carrot greens and put them in a bowl (I used 4 cups).
Boil an equal amount of water and pour it over the greens.
Let them steep, covered with a plate or other non-reactive lid.
Once the tea is cool, strain the greens out of the liquid.
I still had small bits floating in the tea... I strained it again using a coffee filter. 
The remaining tea is golden and delicious!
Try it, you might like it:)

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Wish I had know that before I threw all my tops in the compost. I'm not even going there!

  2. As a tea drinker...I can tell it your carrot tea sounds/looks delicious! Hugs!

  3. My carrots are just about ready to harvest. I leave mine in the ground until spring and they last quite well (except for a few bug nibbles near the tops on occasion). I have pulled them and stored them in a cool place for about a month without refrigeration as well, but they stay crisper for me in the ground. I've even gone out to harvest under a layer of snow with no problems. Nice ideas for the greens. I've never used them for anything. I might try the tea in my new thrift store teapot. - Margy

  4. LOL Patti, next time, save them...I'm finding all kinds of good things you can do with them!

    It is good dad, and apparently good for you:) Hugs back!

    I agree Margy, I like them best straight from the ground...we still have a few left in the garden, maybe I'll leave them during winter. I really enjoy finding new ways to use things from the garden that I haven't used before...waste not, want not:)


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