Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Night Blooming Cereus In The Rain

As I pulled the car into the garage the other night, a beautiful light blooming cereus that was covered with raindrops was glowing from the spotlight in the pot it was growing in.  It caused me to's beauty was stunning and deserved a moment of admiration...I thought you might enjoy the photos I took in the rain...

These two photos of another bloom in the same pot are from very very early this can see the flower as it is beginning to close...

I find the night blooming cereus to be a stunning flower, and especially enjoy the fact that it only blooms at night.  I hope you enjoyed it!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Wonderful shots, Lise. Simply amazing. I've heard people sometimes have a party just to celebrate the bloming of the Cereus. And this one in the rain, oh my!

    I've been mesmerized by the yellow Evening Primrose that's been blooming all summer in the evening. I'd stay up nights to see this!

    Thank you so much for sharing...Louise

  2. Beautiful, looks a lot like my Queen of the desert, that blooms at night here in my pot , also the dragon fruit flower that blooms at night looks a lot like them too , all a member of the cati family I think , have you ever ate a dragon fruit ?? thanks for the pictures .

  3. Beautiful shots of the cereus in the rain. wow!


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